For business owner, estate plan is crucial

The steps one takes to prepare a business for the future are similar to the steps one takes to prepare one's family for the future. Leaving these to chance means placing family or business at risk of meeting difficult times and perhaps serious financial struggles. For a business, it may even mean its demise if its owner does not take the time to make an estate plan.

3 steps to take after being served with divorce papers

If you receive divorce papers, you may have trouble thinking clearly for a few hours or even days. While you have 20 days to respond to the divorce filing, you do not want to wait until the last minute to figure everything out. It may just sound too overwhelming to you right now, as the thought of getting a divorce can be extremely disheartening.

Property division includes fair split of home equity

When children are told they have to share the last piece of cake, even at a young age, they understand the importance of getting their fair share. There may be countless times in life when someone watches assets divided in front of them and may have to fight to get what is due.