Property division includes fair split of home equity

When children are told they have to share the last piece of cake, even at a young age, they understand the importance of getting their fair share. There may be countless times in life when someone watches assets divided in front of them and may have to fight to get what is due.

New tax plan may change alimony and property division negotiation

Divorce is often a matter of careful negotiation. A Florida couple may find that coming to agreements quickly on matters like child custody and property division may allow them to move forward with their new lives. For some spouses, especially those with low incomes or who spent their marriages out of the workforce to care for children, alimony is an especially important part of divorce negotiations.

3 mistakes that divorcing women should avoid

If you are getting divorced soon, you may be feeling a whirlwind of emotions. With the emotional trouble of ending your marriage, you can be prone to making mistakes. If you are not prepared for the emotional roller coaster or messy legal process, you could make long-lasting, devastating mistakes.

When marital problems lead to property division problems

No two marriages are the same and every Florida couple has their own ups and downs along the way. One marriage might be able to withstand a particular problem while another crumbles under the same type of pressure. Although some people may claim to know who should stay married and who should divorce, only the spouses involved know what is best for their particular situation.

Smart moves when facing a toxic divorce

While most people would rather a divorce be a calm and amicable proceeding, some circumstances can make that impossible. For those who have been married to a narcissistic or noxious person, a toxic divorce may be inevitable. In Florida and elsewhere, those who are anticipating such a split can prepare.